Antonio started his journey more then 20 years ago. A person who has many different talents in all kinds of fields and subject areas is an example of someone who would be described as multifaceted...
He always had a green thumb that allowed him to thrive as he took on horticulture. As he aged and had more free time to learn and discover he found the real game changer in CBD. While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. From their he pursued many different classes for both HEMP and CBD in order to further his personal education. Now as Antonio further's his education he has taken the steps to bring what he has learned to the public at large so that we can all unlock the secrets of CBD. Antonio finds that education and perseverance is the driving force to creating change. Without progressive thinking and a thoughtful approach to taking action, change cannot happen.

Education and Certifications
Institute of Certified CBD Consultants
Certified CBD Consultant allowing me to further expand my services. Feel free to reach out about any endeavors.
The Endocannabinoid System and Cannabidiol CBD
Certified and knowledgeable in the Endocannabinoid system which is the basis of the human connection with cannabis.
Certified Extraction Process Consultant
Hemp Broker
A hemp broker is the intermediary between seller and buyer and negotiates the contracts of sales and purchases between the two. A successful deal between these two parties is, more likely than not, hinges on the skills and capabilities of the broker.
My Philosophy
It is no secret that CBD products derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant, must have less then 0.3% THC or be completely THC free. The over 6,000 year history has spread the amazing Hemp plant all over the world. With today's technology we can learn even more about the empowering effects of the plant on the human body. In humans Cannabinoid receptors, located throughout our bodies, are a part of the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.
After the passing of the 2018 Farm bill in the US Hemp could eventually replace top products creating a more sustainable future and opening the door to economic opportunity. It was then I decided to dedicate my life to bringing like minded individuals together to reap all of the benefits that the amazing Hemp plant has to offer. I implore any like minded individuals to reach out for a free 30 min consult to speak more about the physical and economic opportunities that are to our fingertips.