The Opportunity that is CBD
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Hempworx Affiliate Program
Whether your looking to regularly use CBD yourself or you want to make a business out of it HEMPWORX has a great affliate structure that promotes cooperation and growth no matter how much you want to be involved.
Hemp Processing
With my wealth of knowledge I am developing a Hemp Processing plant that will process the next generation of Hemp to be produced in the United States. I'm Looking for partners to create a nation wide initiative that capitalizes on the economic opportunity.
Get Certified in CBD
Knowledge is power and I have partnered with multiple certifed cbd courses to provide you with some of the best education on CBD out there. Ranging from $90-$5000 from online to hands on... Reach out now to find the training that fits your needs.
My Philosophy
It is no secret that CBD, THC, & HEMP are exploding onto the scene. The over 6,000 year history has spread the amazing Hemp plant all over the world. With today's technology we can learn even more about the empowering effects of the plant on the human body. In humans Cannabinoid receptors, located throughout our bodies, are a part of the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.
After the passing of the 2018 Farm bill in the US Hemp could eventually replace top products creating a more sustainable future and opening the door to economic opportunity. It was then I decided to dedicate my life to bringing like minded individuals together to reap all of the benefits that the amazing Hemp plant has to offer. I implore any like minded individuals to reach out for a free 30 min consult to speak more about the physical and economic opportunities that are to our fingertips.